(There's no "I" in spring...oh wait...)

This post will be more than likely shorter than the norm because inspiration is calling me to return to my book!
Spring has sprung! Can you believe it? And they say the groundhog saw his shadow. My question is how do they even know "he" saw it? Sure, we can look at it, but the groundhog cannot tell us if he indeed saw his shadow, can he? Am I right? Why do they even remove the poor guy from his den while he's trying to sleep in after a rough night? What if he has to get up for work the next morning? Do they care about that? No, they do not. I feel sorry for him...but I digress.
The weather is 75 degrees and will be in that particular range for the remainder of the week, getting up to an entire 78 degrees on Sunday. I'm okay with it, and the good news is that not all of the trees are budding simultaneously, which means hay fever has not been a problem just yet. The inevitable will happen, but I'm glad I'm able to enjoy it for now.
We have daffodils growing in our yard, and while they're lovely, the tulip is my favorite. I wish we had some tulips growing in our yard. I don't care what color. Did I mention how lovely they are? *LOL* I think I've gone mad due to this warm weather. I usually abhor spring. I have often referred to spring as a cruel and heartless witch that lures you in with her beauty, then throws pollen or snow at you at random times. But not this year. This year, I'm daydreaming of planting a fruit and vegetable garden in the backyard of our cottage, flowers in the flower box along the side of the front porch, grilling out every single day, dancing in the sun, laying on the swing with a good book and a cold glass of lemonade, and I HATE lemonade! Like I said, I think I've gone mad!
Anyway, I've talked way too much about spring! Let's get on with the updates.
(This picture made me laugh until I cried!)
Remember my minor surgery that I vaguely described in a previous blog? They did a biopsy on what was removed during the procedure, and everything looks fine! I was so relieved! So now, it's on to the next two issues...the mass on my back and the mass under my eye. *sighs* One down, two to go...
But anyway, I'll give you a quick update on my book...
(That's a quote and a half!)
This week is the last week I am doing any new writing. I will be transferring work from my computer to this computer and start compiling it into the first book of the series. The question is do I start at the very beginning, or do I start right after the beginning and then use the very beginning as an excuse to release a prequel that was supposed to come first to begin with? Guys, I've got my work cut out for me...
My nephew, Pauly, turned one today (now yesterday since I got it posted late). Please say a prayer for Pauly and his mom and dad. Today is also my cousin, Heather's birthday! And Pi Day. Pi pi pi pi. Happy Birthday to you both, and Happy Pi day. 3.14
And by the way, after driving around in 75 degree weather with no air conditioning and experiencing heat exhaustion, I've come to my senses and realized how much I hate spring. Fall never seems to come soon enough...
(I miss the leaves crunching under my feet...)
Here's a thought, perhaps I'm just "out of season" so to speak. I should have been born in October.
Anyway, back to my book. Today is the last day I work on any new writing, so I'm going to enjoy it immensely! I will leave you with some funny quotes about writers!
(Sorry to break it to you, but no, it's not about you!)
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