Thursday, October 6, 2011


This makes me happy!

I also have other news that makes me happy? Are you ready for this? Ladies and Gentlemen, we have improvement! Yes, you read it correctly. I'm starting to feel a little bit better! My voice is getting there, and even though I sound terrible, I am not feeling so terrible anymore! I'm still going to take it easy because we have this church event tomorrow night. A group is going to see the movie, Courageous. If we had not already paid for the tickets, I wouldn't go because I want to rest up for Saturday, when we go to the Milton Pumpkin Festival. (I have a feeling we won't stay as long.) But I am looking forward to seeing the movie and getting out of the house. I wish I were not sick in the first place, but I'm starting to see and feel some relief.

Doug is still passed out. I have to get him up in a few minutes, and the kitty, she isn't in the room with us because our kitchen windows are right in front of my face, and the sun always blinds me when I wake up because it's right there, so the door is shut until the sun moves. Anyway, I'm going to spend the rest of the day resting. Keep praying for me, I want every symptom gone.

Hope everyone has a good day!

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