Tuesday, August 9, 2011

25 Confessions of a Redhead (18/02/09)

Can't sleep, in pain, have eye appointment in the morning...so here you have it, 25 random things...

1. I have an excellent memory, dates and times especially.

2. I was almost ten pounds at birth.

3. My favorite color is Black.

4. I like a do the cha cha. Just kidding. I look just like my father with my mom’s body from the waist down.

5. I want to visit Italy. I have a vendetta against the Tattaglia Family (from The Godfather)

6. I don’t want to be fat, not ever.

7. I don’t like to drive.

8. I am a woman who doesn’t like to tie her shoes.

9. I hate my handwriting, so I print.

10. I love watching House because he says what I’m thinking, and Monk because I feel like there’s someone else in the world who understands what OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) feels like.

11. My birth was planned in more ways than one. I was due April 12th of 1977 on a Tuesday. My mom wanted me to be born on April 5th, her father’s birthday. My mom spoke my birth on that day into existence by telling one of her friends she would see her at the hospital on the Tuesday the 5th. Tuesday, April 5th, 1977, I was born 15 minutes away from being an April 6th baby. Either way, I would have been born on a Tuesday. I’m glad because I’ve heard that Wednesday’s child is full of woe.

12. I used to think I was beautiful…

13. Is my favorite number. Doug and I had our first date on Friday, August 13th, 1999.

14. I’m a tomboy, but I don’t look much like one.

15. I am a writer, and I’m quite good.

16. I want a complete makeover.

17. I had Cuban pediatrician who gave me a shot every time I went to his office. I can still remember the Raggedy Ann and Andy walls in all the horrible rooms that smelled, well doctor’s office like. The only word I can understand from him was “shot.” I am SCARED TO DEATH of needles, and just talking about this is making my heart pound and I’m feeling faint!

18. I drew the Noid during training at Domino’s Pizza.

19. I push myself too much, almost to the point of exhaustion.

20. My father died of AIDS Monday, July 10th, 1995 at three o’clock in the afternoon.

21. I want to swim with the dolphins.

22. I was homeless for nearly two years (97-98) and I almost died on Wednesday, February 25th of 2002.

23. My husband and I are the same age, and he wasn’t my type.

24. I’m extremely intelligent, but it’s a waste right now because I can’t go back to college.

25. I appear intimidating to people who don’t know me, but I’m just aloof.

Tuindorp,Utrecht, Netherlands

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